社会医療法人アンリー・デュナン会 特定技能外国人募集のお知らせ
Henry Dunant Social Medical Corporation Notice of Recruitment of Specific Skilled Worker

We are recruiting specific skilled Worker engaged in nursing care at each facility in our corporation.

If you have passed "Nursing care skills  evaluation test" and "Japanese proficiency test", or if you would like to hear more details, please contact us by e-mail from below

Recruitment type
Care Staff 
Working place
深川市 北海道 日本
FUKAGAWA City,Hokkaido,Japan
・深川第一病院 Fukagawa Daiichi Hospital
・グループホーム忘れな草 Group Home WASURENAGUSA
・グループホーム信 Group Home SIN
・デイサービス礼 Day Service REI
Basic salary
 Monthly wage 173,100円~ 173,100yen~ 昇給:有(Wage raise;Yes (July each year))
Various benefits
通勤手当 Commuting allowance. Paid once a month;2,500 to 16,200yen.The distance under 2km shall not be paid.
住宅手当 Housing allowance. Paid once a month;7,000 to 20,000 yen.
夜勤手当 Night work allowance. 4,200 yen per once.
シフト手当 Shift allowance. 2,000 yen(paid once a month;for early shift and late shift)
Social insurance
社会保険完備 Social insurance complete 
有給休暇 Paid holiday
特別有給休暇 Special paid holiday
無料天然温泉 Free natural hot sprin
事業所内保育施設あり In-house childcare facilities availabl
Holiday performance is roughly 125 days a year 

As of 2023/9
3 people with residence status of “nursing care” (3 people from the Philippines)
2 people with residence status “Technical Intern Training” (2 Vietnamese nationals)
26 people with residence status "Specified Skilled Worker" (20 people from the Philippines, 4 people from Nepal, 1 person from India, 1 person from Sri Lanka)
1 person with residence status of “Designated Activities” (1 person from the Philippines)

We have prepared slides of their daily and workplace introductions in English and Vietnamese,so please see below.

Introduction of Henry Dunant Social Medical Corporation(English ver)

Introduction of Henry Dunant Social Medical Corporation(Vietnamese ver)

Please e-mail applications and inquiries.
